Edible Gardening

AppleGalsThere are few gardening pleasures that can compare with growing your favorite fruits, vegetables, and herbs. The flavor of freshly-picked produce is unsurpassed, and the nutritional value is much higher than from vegetables and fruits bought from a grocery store.

Edible plants can add color and texture to any landscape design. A designated edible section can be included in a landscape design, or edible plants can be interspersed among ornamental selections. Fruit trees accent a landscape by providing spring flowers, summer shade, and fall color. Grape vines, kiwis, or sugar snap peas are excellent selections for a trellis or a fence. Blueberries plants make perfect landscape shrubs. Strawberries work well in patio containers.


One of the most accessible and enjoyable books on growing food-bearing plants is Edible Landscaping by Rosalind Creasy. The book includes sections on the joy of edibles, landscaping for a small planet, designing edible gardens, planting, and maintenance.

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